My family brought me home cradled in their arms. They
cuddled me and smiled at me and said I was full of charm. They played with me and laughed with me and showered me with
toys. I sure do love my family, especially the girls and boys. The children loved to feed me, they gave me special treats. They
even let me sleep with them - all snuggled in the sheets. I used to go for walks, often several times a day. They even
fought to hold the leash, I'm very proud to say. These are the things I'll not forget - a cherished memory, Because
I now live in the shelter - without my family.
They used to laugh and praise me when I played with that old
shoe. But I didn't know the difference between the old ones and the new. The kids and I would grab a rag, for hours
we would tug. So I thought I did the right thing when I chewed the bedroom rug. They said that I was out of control,
and would have to live outside. This I did not understand, although I tried and tried. The walks stopped, one by one;
they said they hadn't time. I wish that I could change things, I wish I knew my crime. My life became so lonely, in
the back yard, on a chain. I barked and barked, all day long, just to keep from going insane.
So they brought me
to the shelter, but were embarrassed to say why. They said I caused an allergy, then they each kissed me goodbye. If
I'd only had some classes, when I was just a little pup, then I would have been a better dog when I was all grown up. "You
only have one day left." I heard the worker say. Does that mean I have a second chance? DO I GO HOME TODAY?